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Tete de Moine Silber AOP 8-900gr





Between 800 to 900 gr per piece Tête de Moine AOP


Bellelay cheese is a semi-hard cheese with a silky body which easily melts in your mouth. It is not cut, but shaved into the shape of delicate rosettes. The shaving technique increases the amount of air coming into contact with the surface of the cheese, altering the structure of its body and allowing the full flavour of Tête de Moine AOP, Bellelay cheese to develop. This gives the cheese an even more delicious taste. HEALTH INFO Raw milk Tête de Moine AOP is good for your health, pleases your palate and your eye. Whereas pasteurisation destroys the natural microflora of the milk, unpasteurised or raw milk from the AOP region used for Tête de Moine AOP fully preserves its unique taste and is a prerequisite for the production of this cheese with its distinct aroma.


Lactose The lactose present in milk in nature is largely found in the whey during cheese production. Whey is the watery component left over after the cheese has been formed.


Whatever lactose remains will be completely decomposed during the cheese maturing process so that Tête de Moine AOP may also be savoured by people who are intolerant to lactose. Celiac diseaseTête de Moine AOP is made from silage-free milk, rennin, milk cultures and salt, without any additives. Tête de Moine AOP, therefore, does not contain any gluten which makes it edible for people suffering from celiac disease or gluten enteropathy. Is the rind of Tête de Moine AOP edible ? The cheeses are brushed with a mixture of saline and bacteria culture so that they form a smear on their rind, a natural process that promotes maturation from the exterior to the interior of the cheese.


No colours or chemical surface treating agents are allowed. During the production and the maturation cycle bacteriological analysis of the cheese are constantly made to secure the consumer’s health. While being pared the rind of Tête de Moine AOP crumbles and falls onto the base of the shaving knife. However, it can also be removed from around the sides of the cheese with a vegetable peeler.


Nutrition Cheese is the concentrated and easily digestible form of milk. Cheese is unbeatable as a supplier of calcium and proteins, it contains more proteins than meat or fish. The most important minerals in cheese are calcium and, in particular, magnesium. Cheese also provides vitamins, like vitamin A and some of the vitamin B group.


Average nutritional values per 100 g : Water 35,0 g Protein 25,0 g Fat 35,0 g Minerals 4,0 g Joules 1'735 kJ Calories 415 kcal

Tete de Moine Silber AOP 8-900gr

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